Baton Rouge Flooding: Obama to Visit Louisiana


A Street becomes rivers and rivers ate up entire neighbourhood in southeast Louisiana in very less time.  If we talk about recent data between 11 to 14 Aug, more than 21 inches of rain fell in and around East Baton Rouge, In last 48 hours 2 feet rain fell makes conditions very bad.

As Per NWS this normally occurs when rain fall in so little time was about one tenth of percent. A flood this terrible should only take place once every thousand year’s duration.

At latest report 12 people have died in the floods and some 59,500 homes were damaged. People are moving to other place and the conditions are really bad. As per the Red Cross the worst natural disaster since we face Sandy in 2012 and that the response will cost at least $35 million.

People from Louisiana disappointed as they did not get any warning for weather forecasters or even from local leaders. This is where we really need to improve because such mistake brings lots of problem like this flood in Louisiana.

Baton Rouge Flooding

Statement from White House has already been released announcing about Obama’s trip, at the same time he also make sure that his presence will not interfere with ongoing recovery process that is the most important to do.

You would be wonder to know that only 10 to 12% of home in Baton Rouge are covered by flood cover. As per Jim Donelon (The Louisiana Insurance Commissioner), “The standard cost of insuring a house in Louisiana is for many, plan buster.”

At the same time all over the world mainly in Asia like China and India many cities are facing the same problem, in all cases if the weather forecast have been given than it could have given a chance to people to relocate to a safe place.

About Rescue

More than 20,000 people have already been evacuated by local law enforcement. Many boat owner people of Louisiana and Mississippi together with other volunteers, formed an casual rescue service that is well known as the Cajun Navy and navigate from side to side flooded areas to answer calls for help that they received by social media sites.

They rescued many pets and people circulated rapid emergency supplies. Thanks to the volunteers the group of 69 people from St.Bernard Parish conducted hundreds of boat rescues in East Baton Rouge Parish.

As the new presidential candidate not paying attention as both of them are busying criticize each other.  They both have to face criticism from public. If everybody comes together for the help in such condition than we can quickly come out from natural disaster. Later Clinton urged her followers to donate Baton Rough Area Foundation.


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