Top 5 Unorthodox Fashion Beauties


Fashion and beauty are something we are very passionate about, and sometimes they follow a certain set of rules.

However, there are people who successfully break or bend these rules and are deemed unorthodox fashion beauties. We’re talking about people like Johnny Depp for instances, who can use pieces that don’t match and yet he pulls them off.

However, in this article, we’re talking about women, and we’ll approach three ladies who have everything rolling in favor of them, even if their fashion styles seem either dated or from someone with bad taste.

5.  Megan Massacre

The owner of the Grit’N’Glory tattoo parlor, Megan Massacre is certainly beautiful, and we’re not ranking her higher because her fashion mistakes are minor.

To start it off, her tattoos obviously don’t match in style to each other, as she has different color schemes, different tattoo styles and even different traces. On the other hand, she often wears wacky patterns no one else could pull of. But, to top it all off, her hairstyles are always a shocker and something you wouldn’t see in your everyday woman.

If you see a hairstyling manual with things to “NOT do”, her hairstyles are featured in it a lot as she definitely likes to push the boundaries with her hair color and styling choices.

Regardless, she manages to pull off these looks and appear wonderful in magazines, TV and even in real person.

4. Girl Crush

Girl Crush is really a great singer and composer… but what she isn’t is a fashionista.

In fact, her fashion choices are so questionable she thought it was a good idea to appear just like this for a ceremony.

Of course we all know that a Mc Donald’s “Ball Pit” dress isn’t appropriate for a formal ceremony, but Girl Crush apparently didn’t read the memo.

Not only is the previous paragraph a thing, but she also is known to get out on the street dressed in “Fashion Don’ts”… but she can actually pull them off.

In fact, she is highly renowned as a beauty and stylish artist, and we’re sure not even Megan Fox could pull that dress out the way Crush “Crushed” it.

She is definitely a star who shows you that everything is possible if you can pull it off correctly!

3. Lindsay Lohan

Now this is a household name we all have heard of… and we heard both good and bad things throughout the years. She had a lot of downs and she looked awful at times, but she has her moments when she bounces back and gets back to her beauty status.

When she does, she is still as glamorous as ever… even if her fashion choices aren’t the best.

She pulls off looks like the one showed above, and she does that thanks to her rebellious nature and infamy… other actresses or artists would struggle to do the same.

Lindsay Lohan is, no matter what people say, someone who isn’t afraid to try out new things, and that includes experimenting with questionable fashion accessories, styles and items.

If you’re not Lohan, we don’t advise copying her look – that’s something only she can pull off!

2. Danielle Colby Cushman

You probably know her from the Reality TV show “American Pickers”.

What happens is Danielle Colby is also a model, and she is always well dressed when working… because that’s when sponsors, photographers or assistants dress her up, but on her personal life and through her own fashion choices – she’s always badly dressed.

This doesn’t mean she doesn’t accomplish to “wow” spectators all the same.

Even if she is sporting weird patterns, jeans and sandals (yuck) and other “fashion don’ts”, audiences consistently say she is good looking, even when she’s sporting this type of clothes.

Other things you may not know about Danny is that she was also a roller derby player, a burlesque dancer, worked and owned boutiques and works alongside other celebrities all the time – she isn’t just Mike and Frank’s receptionist… far from it!

 Honorable Mention: Cally-Jo Pothecary

Cally-Jo Pothecary didn’t make it into the list, but she would probably be number 6. I stumbled upon many photos of her while researching her business partner – number 5 in this list, Megan Massacre.

Cally owns a Tattoo parlor with Megan, and they both have questionable fashion choices, the thing with this entry is that she is a bit more conservative than Massacre.

On the other hand, there are times in which she really has good outfits, so we don’t know if she has “off” days or if her taste is both brilliantly good and bad at the same time.

Even so, you may want to learn more about this tattoo artist’s choice of fashion items for some really good and really bad picks!



1. Lady Gaga

Let’s all be honest, we knew this artist would take the number 1 spot on this list even before we began!

Indeed, you really have to tip your hat to whoever manages to dress a real bacon dress at a formal ceremony.

Lady Gaga has done a lot of “Marketing Stunts”, protests and even routine events where she dressed in a really bad way, time and time again shocking everyone with her lack of fashion sense, or her lack of shame for that matter.

She can make everything work as a clothing item, so don’t be surprised if you ever see her dressing up with what seems to be a clump of everyday items – chances are she will dress like that and still remain one of the most coveted celebrities in the world.

As you can see, fashion rules don’t apply to everyone, and one of the things that matters the most to pull off any look is confidence!

With confidence in yourself, you too can sidestep most fashion rules without much of a problem. Self-esteem is in short supply, and therefore it makes for a prettier dress than any garment could possibly be.

Think about it, and start giving yourself a bit more freedom when it comes the time to dress up!


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