Pokemon GO’ Generation 2 Release Date Update: 100 New Pokemon anticipated What You Need to organize


Most of the Pokemon Players are waiting to see update on game. Most of them are looking forward to see new creatures that will purportedly come in generation 2 update. Till now, Pokemon Go generation 1 features is having around total 145 Pokemon,  out of 150 in the pokedex, with 4 region exclusive creature.



At San Diego Conic Con 2016, “Pokemon Go” Generation 2 has been announced, where they going to add some new Pokemon that player s has not seen yet. This is totally a unique feature that new Pokmon can enjoy in their game.  So if you are daily playing Pokemon game it is advisable to start saving on candies and Stardust. This is something really interesting that player must enjoy while playing.

You will see Crobat in the Pokemon Go Generation 2 that is the good development of Zubat. Currently Zubat can only develop Golbat, as the new transformation could needs around more than 100 Candies. The new Pokemon Go update, Chansey can develop in to Blissey, requiring near around 100 Candies.

Pokemon Go Generation 2 can be revealed soon as per RankedBoost. The new update will turn poliwhirl in to Politoed, Slowpoke will turn in to Slowbro but in Generation 2 that could be turn in to Slowking.

For the new player the good news is that in Generation two it actually provides trainers for selecting turning it to Bellossom in its place. The another thing is that its not fixed that all the development could be done by Candies, or it will new mechanism introduce.

“Pokemon Go” Generation 2 is the next modernize, while Niantic has not yet provide a exact release date. There are rumor that it will develop into accessible near the beginning of 2017.

So as of now if you wish to have more thrill in your game first of all you must do is to have Legendary feature in your Pokemon Go game. All you have to do is to acquire is first go their teams Gym and then approach team leader to ask the player that there is a Legendary Bird sighting nearby.  After that all you have to do is to investing the area shown in the map.


Once you complete examination, Pokestops will give in legendary features with each team in Pokemon Go. So getting features in Pokestops it would not be so easy as the items come once in a while. So whenever “Pokemon Go” players get at least three features, they will have to deliver the feathers to one of the pokegyms their team has occupied to begin a fight linking a Legendary Bird.

You will be given candies to what Pokemon players using while fighting. Player will try best to fight with Legendary Bird in the battle field. Once you defeat the creatures, a special pokeball will be set to the player that will come from the group leader, that will be used to grab the Legendary bird in the next step.


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