‘Buddy’ System for Pokémon Go


Do you want more fun in your Pokémon Go game?  Now you can be friend a Meowth and can have a chat with Snorlax, Yes Niantic lab is soon going to announce about it. The developer is officially planning to add a new ‘buddy’ system in to the Pokémon Go game.

Details are a bit of little on what, accurately, this buddy Pokémon would do. As of now we know that it would be appear near your character in the game when you pull up your profile in the game. And when you start walking for hunt around with your buddy, it will show you some digital candy from time to time and it will add more fun in your playing.


We all are excited to see what else your Poke Friendship might let you do inside the game, including whether your buddy will be capable to help you catch Pokémon, help you in gym combating, and you can also interact with other player in some competence.

“It’s been a busy day and, in adding to battling bots, new creatures, and fixing bugs in the game, we have also busy working on some new cool features for our Pokémon Go trainers. As you all know, that we have just released the new Pokémon has the most budding for fight. Today we would like to let you know that new feature for the game that is just around the corner,” check out the official statement.

Is Pokémon Go Losing its Charm?

The next Pokémon Go will be buddy Pokémon for sure. From range of buddy collection you would be able to pick your liked Pokémon to become your buddy, with some unique reward and experiences in the game add more fun. Buddy Pokémon will come into view along your teacher avatar on your profile display, you will get candy awarding like walking together. You will also have the capability to change your buddy Pokémon at any time if you want to change it.

Niantic reports suggesting that a number of players are stop playing game. As per the Apptopia the leading app analytics active user are rapidly fallen from a high around 46 million daily active users in mid july to 31 million in late august. Click here to view full report.

In general, Pokemon game is still really popular and developers are classically more worried about monthly active users rather than daily active users. The other possibility is that some people are not playing because they must be waiting for some big update in game, before they start playing Pokémon game again. So let’s see what new features in game really added by Niantic in Game near future.

Name of Pokemon Km Required for One Candy Size of Pokemon
Bulbasaur 2 Medium
Ivysaur 2 Big
Venusaur 2 Big
Charmander 2 Medium
Charmeleon 2 Medium




Squirtle 2


Wartortle 2 Medium
Blastoise 2 Big
Caterpie 1 Shoulder
Metapod 1 Medium


1 Flying
Weedle 1


Kakuna 1



1 Flying


1 Shoulder
Pidgeotto 1


Pidgeot 1 Flying
Rattata 1



1 Medium
Spearow 1 Shoulder
Fearow 1 Flying
Ekans 2 Medium
Arbok 2 Big
Pikachu 1 Shoulder
Raichu 1 Medium
Sandshrew 2 Medium


2 Medium
NidoranFemale 2



2 Medium
Nidoqueen 2



2 Medium





2 Big
Clefairy 1


Clefable 1


Vulpix 2 Medium
Ninetales 2




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