Summer Beauty Tips for Glowing and Healthy Skin
It’s that time of the year when beach trips and backyard parties become more frequent, umbrellas come out to give your sunscreen company, suede shoes get packed away. Yes, summer time is here. While warm summer weather can be a pleasant relief after winter, hot air and sunlight can wreak havoc on your skin. Oily skin tends to get oilier and dry skin gets patchy, there are breakouts and pimples, rashes and roughness and that acne just wouldn’t go away. Being proactive about skin care is essential to keeping your skin healthy and glowing throughout the summer and beyond, especially in Australia’s hot and harsh climate. Fortunately, there are many proven ways to protect your skin from the harsh and drying summer sun. From sunscreen, sunless tanning solutions, treatments with IPL laser machines and accessories to help you cover up. These easy summer skincare tips will help you maintain silky and hydrated smooth skin throughout the hottest days of the year.
- Cleansing
Hydrating your body from inside as well as outside is essential. Once you are done with your day and back home, wash your face with mild, non-lathering face wash to remove dirt and oil. The cleanser which is thick in consistency will dry-out immediately and may cause bumps on your skin. While washing your face use circular movements and always use cold water to rinse.
- Exfoliate your Body
The ground rule of basic skin care is to exfoliate your skin. Your body sheds skin cells at an amazing rate every minute of every day. If you don’t get rid of them, they’ll just set in on your skin making you look dull and dry and clog the pores. No matter how much lotion you use, you’re never going to have glowing skin if you don’t exfoliate. Grab a body scrub and hit the shower. Gently rub your exfoliator in circular movements on your entire body from the shoulders down, you’ll want a facial exfoliator for your face and neck as well and rinse clean. Continue to do this 2-3 times a week for year-round beautiful skin.
- Moisturise your Skin
The sun, wind and air-conditioning can make the skin feel overly dry. Using a good moisturiser regularly will restore moisture and suppleness. Moisturise your entire body using a hydrating cream, every night before going to bed. In case, you have sensitive skin, choose fragrance-free or natural moisturisers which won’t affect your skin. A good summer moisturiser should be based on easily absorbed natural oils high in vitamins A and E and which have soothing, hydrating and collagen restoring properties.
- Keep Yourself Hydrated
Water is an elixir of life and important for healthy skin, so remember to drink plenty throughout the day at least 8 to 10 glasses. But don’t think you have to stick to plain water – it’s no coincidence that so many delicious summer fruit and vegetables have high water content: stone fruit, berries, melons, cucumbers and tomatoes are some easy options to stay cool and hydrated during hot weather.
- Cool Off
The hot weather can really take a toll on your summer beauty regime. Even though it is nice to have warmer temperature, no one wants to left looking sweaty and having your makeup run down your face. After spending a long day in the hot sun, there is nothing better than cooling off with a cold shower. For those days when you are out on the beach, keep a face mist in your ice chest so you can mist your face and body. They are meant to cool, soothe and refresh your skin after being in the sun all day. Facial mists are nourishing sprays that help restore moisture to your skin and after sun exposure and over drying. Another use for facial mist is to spray on right after you finish putting on your makeup in order to set it.
- Go for Skin Care Treatments
Exposure to harsh summer sun can be responsible for many skin changes that we think of as a normal part of the ageing process. Apart from sunburn which is obvious, even short-term exposure to UV rays will gradually damage the elastin fibres in the skin, causing it to sag and lose elasticity. Premature wrinkles, uneven pigmentation and sunspots are likewise unwanted side effects of spending too much time in the sun. Indeed, a good skin care won’t help to curb all these issues, so to get your glow back, go for IPL laser skin care treatment. IPL is one of the most advanced, skin friendly and safest treatments available in the cosmetic market today. Visit a spa or a beauty salon to get this treatment as the treatments done professionally are safe, give proper results and are cost-effective so you do not have to go looking for IPL laser machines for sale.
These are some of the summer skin care tips you need to follow for healthy and glowing skin and don’t forget to wear sunscreen.