Perfumes and Colognes Can be Very Dangerous: Find Out How

Well, it is 2018 and still spraying perfumes from your favorite perfume bottles hasn’t got off style. Just yesterday, I was in a store and saw two teenagers testing perfumes one after the other, all excited. Only if they knew how dangerous these fragrances are, they would have never tried them. This article explains why you should stay away from glass perfume bottle and even colognes for that matter.
Buying Perfume Bottles Like Crazy? Don’t Worry, read below to know the Real Truth
There is no doubt that perfumes have become the second spoke in this highly modernized society. Every other individual (in all age groups) uses perfumes and cologne extensively on a daily basis without even realizing its effects on us and our environment. Unfortunately, the level of public awareness on such things is truly pathetic, which is why millions out there continue to use perfumes, all excited.
Starting with the very first basic point, the Fragrance which is also known as perfum is one of the most vital ingredients which is used in the making of perfumes and cologne. Further, you may see it in the ingredient listings of cleansers, diapers, soaps and some more products.
A fragrance is a blend of chemicals that give each perfume or cologne a unique scent. Most of the ingredients are derived from petroleum and natural ingredients like flowers, spices, leaves, fruit and more. Perfume companies buy fragrance mixtures from fragrance making companies and make their own perfumes that are marketed under their own brand name. Apart from the scent, chemicals used to make perfumes and colognes contain solvents, UV-absorbers, preservatives, dyes and even more.
Very few perfumes name all the ingredients on the label except fragrance and a few more. This hidden information does not let the end customer know about the composition. Owing to the fact that the harmful effects of chemicals used in the perfumes are not limited to allergies, and they can even go to the extent of causing cancer; a high degree of regulation is needed.
While, some of the fragrances are there to give a charismatic aroma, others are present for masking the harsh chemical smells. Yes, that’s the truth.
Recent Study
According to the recent study named,“Fragrance in the Workplace is the New Second-Hand Smoke”, some interesting things came out. Here, the researchers found that the issue was not with the fragrance, but, it was with the use of synthetic chemicals which were obtained from tar and petroleum.
In addition, over the last 50 years, nearly 90% of the perfume bottles ingredients were derived from petroleum and some of the most harmful chemicals. While some of these chemicals were acetone, toluene, benzyl acetate, and limonene, some of them were still unknown.
Well, wondering about the damage these glass perfume bottle and cologne does to our body? There is a long list of them. First of all, they damage the central nervous system where the damage is as follows:
- Respiratory
In respiratory issues, the prime one is none other than allergic issues. After which, it is followed by non-allergic ones, asthma and different airway dysfunctions.
- Neurological
The neurological issues always happen in the brain, which can be detrimental at times. Further, it can result in nausea, dizziness, mental confusion and much more issues.
- Skin-Related
You can feel allergic to some fragrances and might experience irritation and sensitization.
- Eye-Related
Different eye-related issues, such as tearing of the eye and inflammation can occur more frequently.
In addition, perfumes that contain a higher amount of synthetic do a lot of harm and no good. Here, the fragrance leads to the creation of bubbles of toxins that stay on the body for a longer period of time inviting tons of diseases.
By now, you must be aware why you must stay away from perfume bottles and colognes. The story is not yet over. There is more on why to stay away from such damaging stuff.
More Potential Reasons That Will Make You Hate Glass Perfume Bottle And Cologne
Whenever we talk about the fragrance, there is more than you can think. Each bottle of your loving perfume can contain more than 3,000 different ingredients. Yes 3,000! This is not all. All the ingredients are not lab tested and can be deadly for humans.
- Most of the ingredients which are present in the perfume bottles can cause allergies to serious extents. It can trigger running nose, skin itching and can even lead to asthma.
- If you are the one who uses perfume and cologne every now and then, asthma can be a few inches away from you. Yes, these perfumes and cologne can trigger asthma attacks and lead to shortening of breath in no time.
- When it comes to research in the labs, ingredients which are present in a glass perfume bottle/cologne have high links with cancer and neurotically.
- As per “European Commission on Endocrine Disruption” perfumes do tend to interfere with the hormonal functioning. Such a thing was highly found in girls who were in their early puberty stages.
- If you are a male, who love to wear perfumes, things can become detrimental to you. You will be shocked to know that some of the ingredients in perfume reduce the sperm count and affect the development of the male fetus.
- Using perfumes for a longer period of time has resulted in obesity & even insulin resistance problems in men.
Wrapping Things Up: Perfume Bottles & Cologne, Deadly in every scenario
Well, I hope you have gone through the whole article and reaped some useful benefits and information from it. To be honest, these glass perfume bottle companies are destroying humanity with the effect of harmful ingredients they are using. Further, when it comes to cologne, the story still remains the same.
Even in today’s world of Internet and so much information out there, people are not aware of the harsh realities of buying perfume bottles. The sole purpose of this write-up is to spread awareness because ignorance is not always bliss.
Share this information with all you know & curb the use of perfumes at the earliest.