Reasons Magento Support & Maintenance is Significant for Your Web Store


Running your Magento eCommerce store smoothly is a big challenge. Several emergencies, issues, and bugs are appearing time-to-time and cut your profit or overall revenue streams considerably. To mitigate those all, you must have compatible Magento support & maintenance services at your side.


Magento is a vastly used ecommerce platform built on open source PHP technologies. It is versatile, easy to use, and feature-rich platform. The robustness of the platform comes with enough convolutions for developers and sometimes for back-end users.

Like other ecommerce platforms, Magento may gulp into various glitches, particularly when managed by no or less tech-savvy users and webmasters. However, it is true that right Magento support and maintenance services can leave significant impacts on Magento performance, usability, user experiences, and hence revenue.

Let’s know which are reasons for that Magento support and maintenance services get significance for Magento merchants.

When Magento Website Loads Slower

Web page loading speed is a significant metrics for your Magento ecommerce store because:

  • According to a survey, 79% of respondents avoid the second visit on the storefront when they experienced any issue with page loading speed. It means site speed is the first impression for your ecommerce store.
  • 40% of respondents have agreed on that they abandon a site when it takes longer than three (3) seconds. It means users are expecting high loading speed within a few seconds, two or three maximum. Slower speed can kill conversions a lot.
  • When UX designers have run guerrilla surveys, they found site speed was an important matter for shoppers to stay and engaged.
  • Google also had declared web page load speed as an influencing factor for ranking.

However, various factors affecting the Magento website speed and can mitigate successfully by adopting the best optimization practices as well as general and technical maintenance.

In short, Magento website maintenance services can keep your ecommerce web page loading fast and better at user experiences.

When Magento Ecommerce Site Goes Down

Holiday Seasons like seasonal traffic spikes are the norm on Magento ecommerce. During peak traffic periods, ecommerce store has to bear unexpected load generated by a number of requests to the server and various processes involved in the online shopping.

Apart from traffic load, several other causes are responsible for site crash. Immediate restoration is mandatory to save a big loss during holiday seasons. Moreover, the availability of capable and experienced Magento support services become scanty due to a sudden increase in demands.

To avert such measurability, Magento merchants should take precautionary steps in advance. Signing Magento supports packages for a period or per annum is the best way. Of course, you can think about Perception System, San Jose, the USA like an avid service provider to get 24X7 Magento support and maintenance services even during busy holiday seasons to run your online storefront smoothly.

When Magento Store Threatens

Magento is an ecommerce store and favorite target of malicious elements on the web. Therefore, security-related challenges are persistent for the platform. However, Magento comes with tons of built-in security arsenals, which also demand regular updates, maintenance, additions, and deletions of obsolete tools & plugins.

Installation of antivirus software, making changes in OS to update security features and functionality, obtaining security shields, and certificates by implementing required security technologies are tasks that a Magento support and maintenance team has to perform on regular bases.

When Disasters Strike

Natural and human-made disasters are common for the digital network and assets like devices, servers, and various infrastructural components. Fires, floods, and storms are common natural disasters, which can strike any moment with or without warning. Riots, thefts, and burglars are human-originated discrepancies, which can finish the entire network and software system that may prove tough to restore.

Experts and experienced team of Magento support and maintenance might have solid backup plans, which involve local storage facilities, online server backup, and cloud storage backup with own or third-party services.

Subscribing backup services or spending on hardware backup devices are not possible for an individual merchant. Therefore, hiring a reputed support and maintenance agency may prove an affordable alternative.

When an Emergency Occurs

Apart from describing things above, several problems are happening at any moment, and you need the help of a Magento expert or team of developers to solve it immediately. For instance,

  • Front-end UIs are behaving unexpectedly & show page display errors.
  • Problems with login or registration.
  • Back-end code starts behaving strangely, and several errors are popping up.
  • Installed extensions are creating issues.
  • Irritating admin notification begins.
  • Offered incentives are not working in tandem like redeeming of coupons.

Such major to minor emergencies demand urgent supports, repairing, and maintenance. If you seek help each time from different teams or developers, it again causes conflicts. Therefore, signing a long-term contract for maintenance and support services is the best and economical way to deal with such emergencies.

What Should Look Into When Buying a Support & Maintenance Service Contract

You must look following things while you go for buying a contract for your Magento maintenance and support services.

  • Services for full or partial suspension of Magento website.
  • Various ‘How To’ guides.
  • Bug & error fixing.
  • Support on design, code, and integrations of extension as well as 3rd party services like cloud services.
  • Front-end & back-end support.
  • Site audit supports.
  • Support for Technical SEO and Internet Marketing related issues


Where to Look for Right Support & Maintenance Services?

It is the most puzzling query for everyone. The web is full of service providers claiming high on their web pages. It is tough to filter the best one who can keep words and proves true on your merits.

However, based on personal experiences and applauds from the social and professional circles, I can recommend Perception System in San Jose, USA as the best partner for your Magento support & maintenance services requirements.

Author Bio:

Jullie Roslin

I am Jullie Roslin, I am a professional Magento Business Development Expert at Perception System. Perception System is a leading Magento development Company with an expert team of Magento developers. We are providing the most innovative solution for your eCommerce store at the most flexible pricing.


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