Multilevel Automated Car Parking Systems & How it Works

multilevel automated car parking

The growing population of this world has created many problems, and  amongthose average faces traffic congestion on the roads has created a hassle in our lives. The problem of the automated car parking system which we deal almost in every Part of our day is the worst one.

So what could be worse than, with a growing economy, increased disposable income, easy financing and availability of vehicles has made a greater number of cars surging like anything.

So now we are having a problem of space for cars moving on the road, but the reality isa greater number for a parked vehicle considering that private cars remain parked for a longer duration.

This is not only creating increased trouble of congestion on the roads, but eventually making a problem of parking lots. We have roads built for vehicles to ply with but is there enough space to park?

Due to the increased, raising of commercial buildings, parks, shopping malls and multi level apartments dotting in the city creating a huge shortage of parking space. Beside this, high parking rates, long queues of cars parked along and in front of residential areas and unavailability of parking space are all adding a big burden these days.

Because of the population of cars equal to the head counts, here comes the need of multilevel automated car parking system that will not only smooth the whole car parking process but serve as a efficient solution.

While residential areas  still have their reserved parking spaces but the real problem is with commercial spaces and most of the time the problem doubles by taking extra open spaces. Multilevel automated car parking system on the other hand comes with quite a relief. Advantages like correct usage of spaces, low operational cost, secure and friendly environment make our life easier.

How automated Multilevel Car Parking Systems is a Solution?

Thanks to the technological  advancements  and innovation in the multilevel car parking system that are solving the problem of clogged parking system. Lets come to the solution, then The concept of Multi level car parking system refers to an automated system of parking and retrieving vehicles through an intelligence system, including lifts, pallets and sensors, saving us from long waiting time, extensive cost, fuel saving, security and safety. It is therefore a solution of not only country’s but world parking system.

Multi level car parking system-How it Works?

With the help of an automated car parking system, approximately twenty cars can be parked quite precisely in the same footprint as that four cars  parked in normal parking conditions.

Multi level car parking system comes in different sizes and available space in the building. Sometimes they are built on empty spaces or between the two buildings. Along with this, there are sensors, cameras, computers and mechanical components thathelp us in a better ways.

There are two types of parking system; horizontal  and vertical fit. The difference is the way the car is taken from the entry to the parking spot. No matter what the type is, the car is taken to the multilevel building and then stored on the ramp. The driver then moves out from car after applying the brakes. Here the work of sensors gets started, first it analyze the whole vehicle and then keep all the relevant information like size, color, shape as a record.

Once the driver leaves the building, the mechanical arm starts functioning. After analyzing all available spaces, it then identifies the best available parking slot. In this way the car is movingon  the parking space. Only two and half minutes are required to complete this whole process.

You can easily recognize your cars through a card or a key. When you want your car back you need to scan those codes first, after scanning the car is brought back through mechanical arms.

In Multilevel automated car parking systems one of the biggest advantages is less fuel consumption; whenever you are required to park your car and move into the building you don’t need to start the engine to keep that moving. Hence reduces greater co2 emission and fuel consumption.

What are the main advantages of Multilevel automated car parking system?

There are many advantages of multilevel car parking system  over the traditional parking system, let us have a run-down.

  1. Multi level car parking system provides the best use of existing car parking space.
  2. Lower operational and maintenance cost as compare to that of the traditional car parking system.
  3. The Construction cost is quite low due to pre-fabrication
  4. They are not only environment friendly, but may free up space for landscaping.
  5. Due to multi level car parking’s intelligence, you can park your vehicles quicker and safer.

Future of Multilevel automated car parking system

Due to the increased population and number of cars, new and improved measures are required to compete with present scenario. It is strongly recommended baning vehicle parking  in all city’s central area roads where there is no much space to park. Along with this, competitive rates on public parking and the multilevel car parking system should also provide.

The Tower parking system is the best option in multi story buildings due to the fact that the parking space can be increased by 17 times.An immediate help in this regard will solve huge road congestions and traffic.



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