Exclusive Interview with Gujarati Actress Aarohi Patel


Hello Readers,

Today I would like to introduce you to one of the leading actresses of Gujarati Movie Premji, Aarohi Patel. She is young and talented. It’s really good to see a Gujarati actress working on various platforms. So without any delay, let’s talk with her now…

Welcome To Express Info Today, Aarohi.

Rahul Soni: So how did you get involved in Acting?

Aarohi Patel: I never planned on it..It was all by fluke (and luck). My dad (Sandeep Patel) is a director and my mom (Aarti Patel) is a producer/actress and when I was little, I did few roles as a child actor in his films and serials. I was active in school and college as far as theater is concerned and then Premji happened (thanks to Vijaygiri Goswami). It was as if it never left me, maybe 😛


Rahul Soni: How was your experience working in Premji Movie?

Aarohi Patel: Ahh!! Best days of my life. It was something which was never on my Plan List and still tops the list of “Best things that has ever happened to me”. Not only I learned a lot, I made friends who are like my family now 🙂 I am proud to be a part of a film which is very very different than the other films. It is based on a bold subject and any maker need guts to make it.


Rahul Soni: What are your educational qualifications?

Aarohi Patel: I am still a student. I completed my B.com from HL Institute of Commerce and am in the last year of Masters in Development Communication.

Rahul Soni: What have you done besides acting?

Aarohi Patel: While I was doing my B.com, I was an intern at a radio station for like 2 years and at a TV news channel for a while too. I don’t even know if I can say whether I am an actress yet. I don’t want other options to close for me. I am still figuring out which way to go. This field is so huge and it has lots and lotsss to offer, you know…And I love everything about it 😉


Rahul Soni: From where have you learned acting?

Aarohi Patel: Who said I have learned acting? I don’t know if I will ever be able to learn to act. I really have no clue how do you learn it 😛

Rahul Soni: Give me a few tips to be a successful actress?

Aarohi Patel: Sure!! Once I become one 😉

Rahul Soni: Is it a career path that you would recommend? 

Aarohi Patel: Umm I dont know. Basically, I am more of a behind the camera person. I dont know if I am ready for a career as an actress or not. So first, I need to be clear of that…

Rahul Soni: What do you do in your free time?

Aarohi Patel: I watch movies (lots of it), I watch my favourite TV series (Suits, Big Bang Theory, FRIENDS – for like 100th time), I read novels (Dan Brown and Cecelia Ahern Fan), I Dance (Forever Love), I hangout with the people I love…AND while doing alllll of these…EATING is constant! (Come on..Food is life..No wait..Sleep is..Umm..Okay, BOTH!)

Rahul Soni: Are you working on any upcoming projects?

Aarohi Patel: Can’t reveal (Shhh!!)

It was really nice talking with you Aarohi, Thank you very much for being with us and have a wonderful talk.



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