10 House Cleaning Tips


Speaking about the beauty of the interiors, one cannot fail to mention such a trivial, but important component of any spectacular space, as order and cleanliness. Unfortunately, no matter how exclusive the interior is, without regular cleaning, it will soon turn into a heaped pile of objects. But, this coin has another side: the usual cleaning of the room will give any interior a fresh and welcoming look. How to cope with this task without unnecessary efforts and not to miss important nuances? Let’s see, what professionals advise about home cleaning.

1. Say no to dust

To prevent the accumulation of dust, clean the most inaccessible places. Sofas, armchairs and other upholstered furniture, fluffy carpets and bed mattresses – all this should be regularly cleaned with a vacuum cleaner so that a favorable environment for dust mites is not created here. 

2. We clean the lawn from weeds

Maintaining the lawn in order is necessary by removing fallen leaves and weeds. Such home cleaning should be carried out regularly, then the garbage will not accumulate and the lawn grass will grow evenly. 

3. We clean the surfaces in the bathroom

Cleaning the walls and floor in the bathroom will help to keep the interior tidy, and lime deposits will not accumulate in the joints. Such regular home cleaning will help to make the bathroom fresh and attractive for many years.

4. Clean the joints between the tiles

To thoroughly clean the tile joints, it is most convenient to use small brushes with hard bristles, even an ordinary toothbrush is suitable. 

5. Wash is OK

The bathroom will look much neater if each item finds its place: put fresh towels on a separate shelf, and detergents on the other.

6. In the web of wires

The real problem of modern interiors was a huge number of wires, cables to household appliances, cords for recharging. It will be good if most of the wires turn out to be built-in, and the chargers should not be stored in wall outlets, but in a separate cabinet drawer.

7. Do not store dishes in the kitchen

Of course, washing dishes is not the most fascinating activity. But, if you do not accumulate a large mountain of plates and pans in the kitchen, and wash the dirty dishes as they appear, then this lesson will not be so difficult. The main secret here is regularity. After all, a large collection of dishes not only looks depressing but also very inconvenient to disassemble when you finally decide to do the home cleaning.

8. Clean and ironed curtains

For 9 and decoration specialists, it is far from a secret what a significant role textile plays in the design of rooms: curtains and bedspreads, carpets and soft pillows on sofas. This means that you need to carefully monitor the neat appearance of these decorative elements. Clean and tidy curtains will immediately transform the whole look of the room, justifying the time you spent home cleaning.

9. Clean windows

Keeping glass windows clean is important not only from an aesthetic point of view. The sun’s rays penetrating through the windows into our rooms refresh the interior and add brightness to the colors. Therefore, take at least an hour of your time and wash the windows, you will immediately notice how the whole room is refreshed. 

10. Regular cleaning is better than major repairs.

What if the cleaning process does not give you much joy? You will be surprised, but to do less cleaning in the house, you need … to clean! Just do it regularly. Then it will not take much time, because maintaining order is much easier than doing general home cleaning.
