What can Database Management Do for Me


Aristotle is the first known scientist to classify his data on living organisms. In his book ‘Categories’, he has presented ten different ways to classify data on the basis of substance, quality, quantity, relation (with other objects), place, time, position, state or habitus (which means ‘to have’ in Latin), action, and affection (which means ‘to undergo’ here). The Greek scientist obviously understood the importance of having a standardised database and organising the data well to avoid confusion and making it easier to study or analyse it.

Today, the technology has evolved. In Database Management, programmers and users use system software to create, manage, retrieve and update data. The Database Management System (DBMS) ensures that data is organised well (on a consistent basis) and can be accessed easily. One of the key advantages that the database management provides to a business is that it allows it to have a centralised database allowing multiple users in multiple locations to access it in a controlled manner.

A database dissertation help expert shared, “The DBMS allows you to control what an end user sees and how he or she views it. As an end user, you don’t have to worry about where the data is physically located or what kind of storage media is being used for it. It means that when I have to write dissertations on different topics, I can take help from a centralised spreadsheet containing the latest studies and developments in the field. I and my colleagues update this sheet on a regular basis and access it to quickly write research papers or project proposals for our students or business clients.”

In the above case, the DBMS maintains the integrity of data by allowing all the end users and application programmers to share and use the same data.

There are many other ways in which Database Management makes your lives easier:

Multiplies our Logical Capabilities Many Times Over

Databases help you to collect, report, query and correlate the data to make informed decisions for your organisation as well as in your personal life.

When it comes to making successful decisions, data matter. In a company, management can gain some real insights if it has access to clean, well-structured, timely and accurate data about different aspects of its business. These may include compliance reports, performance management reports, sustainability reports and many more.

Successful database managers can help you identify trends and patterns in your data which can reveal the mistakes you are making or the triggers of success throughout the business operations process. The analysis of data can help you come up with a story of the past, present and future of your company and give you a sense of direction and a framework on which you can base your decisions.

Lets Computer Handle the Mundane Everyday Queries

You will be surprised to know how much time we waste cumulatively in an organisation in asking questions like email addresses of bosses or colleagues, the whereabouts and timings of upcoming meetings and conferences, the range of products a company has or their cost price, or the processes a company follows. All this time can be easily saved by deploying a centralised database where all the concerned users are can see answers to such questions easily.

Provides Data and Business Intelligence

The advanced DBMS technologies today do not need data scientists or database professionals to store, process, and analyse the massive data sets and come up with smart insights for you. The self-service Business Intelligence (BI) tools, as well as the data visualization tools, are now using advanced analytics, machine learning and deep learning models, and artificial intelligence (AI) databases to redefine the way businesses work.

The automated virtual assistants and customer relationship management services are increasingly becoming dependent on AI databases. Database experts believe that soon, it might become possible that an AI database might be able to process natural language queries. It means that instead of relying on search terms and keyword phrases, the computers may be able to summon data sets using NLP (Natural Language Processing).

Allows Multiple Users in Multiple Locations to Use the Same Database

While theoretically, it is a good idea to allow everyone to use and edit the data in a relational database, it becomes imperative to handle the concurrency and data integrity issues effectively before the chaos claims the organisation. Lack of control on these issues may lead to things like loss of updates or access to data that is not yet finalised which may lead to erroneous results down the process line.

Such problems can be handled by using a concurrency control system where each user can work on temporary, local copies of the database which can later be integrated with the centralised database, or using preventative locking to the database while he or she is working on it (so that other users can’t use it while it is being changed by him or her).

The skilled database designers can help you minimise the problem of data redundancy by incorporate features like the DBMS ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) and Database Normalisation.

Keeps Your Data Safe

We all know what hackers can do with the right kind of data. They can pump out all money from the funds, break down the security systems of a company or even a country, and endanger people’s lives, identities, and property. Hence, to keep the data safe from unauthorized access, the username authentication and password verification are the two most powerful preventive measures.

Distributed file storage and decentralized web can be an answer to the data security issues as the parts of data are distributed across several computers that are operated by completed strangers. There are decentralized networks like Filecoin that allow you to store data on their network for a fee. Such networks use cryptography and blockchain technologies to make your database more resilient.

If you are still in doubt, type in your comments and we will try to answer all your questions as quickly as possible.

RruchiShrimalli is a Content Marketing Manager for transtutors.com, Godissertationhelp.co.uk, Goassignmenthelp.com.au and several other websites. She is a writer and a journalist at heart, and has been writing articles on various aspects of the Education domain since 2010. Her articles have been published at Shiksha.com, India.com, and Employment News among others.


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