Collaboration is Essential for Modern ITSM


Service is a domain that is unavoidable for any kind of business. All businesses provide some or other sort of services. Like in the business of manufacture, the process of delivering the goods to the customers through various procedures is a kind of service. The main point of collaboration in modern ITSM is to ensure that a valuable outcome is being procured by the customer from the services provided by the business. This is why it is essential to monitor all the ITSM activities and to maintain a healthy relationship between various departments and the customer. Keeping a satisfied customer is the utmost priority for any business and making sure that all the departments, including the service management and IT, are also in sync. The primary purpose of collaboration in the evolution of modern ITSM is to give a more liberal space to the IT group in business to serve the company and its customers more efficiently and with newer and more effective methodologies. If the IT group or the service management department is satisfied with the kind of work ethics and initiatives were taken by the company for their benefit, then the employees will deliver more productive work and the customers will also be satisfied.

In this article, we will discuss the benefits of collaboration and why is it essential for modern ITSM. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Transparency- The most effective benefit of collaboration is that all the factors and activities taking place within the business that would most likely affect the customer in one way or another, are open for the customers to see for themselves. The method of ITSM tools, in terms of project management, for the enhancement of IT software is devised in such a manner that the work is compartmentalized into phases that are then further assessed and reassessed for accurate outcomes. In such a case, the advantage to the employee is that he is no more restricted behind the confines of his desk but can work from anywhere. Other than that, all the work will be then shadowed in one place that can easily be tracked and analyzed by the customer himself. Then as the work progresses, any changes that are made in the data or analysis of the entire process is updated on the common forum to keep the customers up to date and satisfied. This kind of transparency helps in maintaining a trusting relationship between the customers and the company. The customer, seeing as the company is completely transparent, would be more inclined towards availing their services over others. This would be highly beneficial for the company.
  2. Team building- When it comes to IT service management, the teams and different departments prefer to work in isolation. The ideology behind this segregation was that if the employees work in isolation from each other, then their productivity would be higher and more beneficial for the company. But in contemporary times, this is untrue. The work ethics of employees have changed. They are more goals oriented and more focused on meeting their own targets rather than providing an efficient service for the company. This is not beneficial for the company in the long run as the employee productivity will not be reflected on the company’s targets but targets of his own. This is the point where collaboration comes in the picture. With collaboration, the wall of isolation removed. Now all the team members and departments would work in harmony and in a more synchronized manner as they will lift off the burden from each other. There will be no individual competition but only one goad, achieving the targets of the company. This helps in team building and coherence among the employees who in turn serve productivity which concludes to satisfied customers.
  3. Human relations- Modern ITSM is not a technology that serves on the collaboration of a company. Its main purpose is to bring the people together to gain the added advantage. Although the main contention that would fall in this arena is that collaboration in ITSM is to bring the processes together to gain a better and more efficient outcome. But for all practical purposes, IT service management tools are effective to build human relations as well. It works mainly, not just to get together the processes and the different departments and groups, but also the people involved in all these processes. The motive here is to build unity among the departments and groups, the business and the customers and the departments and the customers. In this manner, all the angles of a successful business are covered. If a company is able to achieve consistency in all three areas, then successful outcomes are a given. The reason that a lot of emphases is being put on collaboration among the people responsible for delivering it is that it creates value for the customer and to the customer.

It can be safely said that by collaboration, it’s not just the company or its employees who are being affected, but also its customers. And they are not just being affected but also effectively benefiting from it.


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